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Zhangzhou Tan Co., Ltd. is a professional international supplier of canned food and a leading exporter of canned food in China.
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China's Second Largest
Canned Food Exporter
Zhangzhou Tan Co., Ltd. is a professional international supplier of canned food and a leading exporter of canned food in China.
TAN, let "healthy food" serve the society and let "Made in China" ring the world.
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Zhangzhou Tan Co., Ltd. is a professional international supplier of canned food and a leading exporter of canned food in China.
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Zhangzhou Tan Co., Ltd. is a professional international supplier of canned food and a leading exporter of canned food in China.
TAN, let "healthy food" serve the society and let "Made in China" ring the world.
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Zhangzhou Tan Co., Ltd. is a professional international supplier of canned food and a leading exporter of canned food in China.
TAN, let "healthy food" serve the society and let "Made in China" ring the world.
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China Issues Outline for Expanding Domestic Demand (2022-2035)

Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the State Council issued the "Outline of the Strategic Plan for Expanding Domestic Demand (2022-2035)" and issued a notice, instructing all regions and departments to conscientiously implement it in accordance with their actual circumstances.
2022-12-14 TAN canned food Views:1377
中共中央 国务院印发《扩⼤内需战略规划纲要(2022-2035年)》-01.jpg


Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the State Council issued the "Outline of the Strategic Plan for Expanding Domestic Demand (2022-2035)" and issued a notice, instructing all regions and departments to conscientiously implement it in accordance with their actual circumstances.

The main content of the "Outline of the Strategic Plan for Expanding Domestic Demand (2022-2035)" is as follows. Firmly implementing the strategy of expanding domestic demand and fostering a comprehensive domestic demand system is an inevitable choice to accelerate the establishment of a new development pattern with the domestic large cycle as the mainstay and the domestic and international dual cycles mutually reinforcing. It is a strategic decision to promote the long-term development and enduring stability of our country. In order to promote the implementation of the strategy of expanding domestic demand, this outline is formulated in accordance with the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China and the Outline of Visionary Goals for 2035."

1. Planning Background

(1) China's expansion of domestic demand has achieved significant results since the reform and opening up, especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. While deeply participating in the international division of industries, China has continuously improved the quality of domestic supply, unleashed domestic market demand, promoted the formation of a strong domestic market, and strengthened the role of domestic demand in economic development.

The foundational role of consumption continues to strengthen, with final consumption expenditure accounting for over 50% of the GDP for 11 consecutive years. Traditional consumption, such as housing and travel, has significantly increased, and the per capita housing area in urban areas has steadily increased. New forms of consumption have rapidly developed, with online retail accounting for 24.5% of total retail sales of consumer goods in 2021.

Investment plays a crucial role in supporting economic development. The total capital formation in China remains at a reasonable level relative to the GDP, providing robust support for optimizing the supply structure and promoting stable economic development. Infrastructure construction has been comprehensively enhanced, major water conservancy facilities have been completed and put into use, and the construction of new infrastructure such as 5G has accelerated.

The operation mechanism of the domestic market is continuously improving, with the construction of a high-standard market system, ongoing reforms to streamline administration and delegate power, optimization of the business environment, market-oriented allocation of factors, and improvements in the social security system.

The connection between the domestic and international markets has become closer, with China becoming the second-largest consumer market globally, driving an expanding and structurally optimizing import scale. International economic and trade cooperation has progressed significantly, foreign opening-up has made substantial progress, and China has become one of the most attractive destinations for foreign investment.

(2) The implementation of the strategy to expand domestic demand is a response to the realistic needs of people aspiring to a better life. As China's economy transitions from high-speed growth to high-quality development, the requirements and conditions for development have changed, and people's aspirations for a better life have become more diversified, layered, and comprehensive. To resolve the contradiction between the increasing demand for a better life and the imbalances in development, it is necessary to firmly implement the strategy to expand domestic demand, strengthen the foundation, leverage advantages, address weaknesses, and promote comprehensive development and social progress.

Implementing the strategy is an active choice to fully utilize the advantages of a vast market. A large economy is characterized by a significant role of domestic demand. The domestic market is a major support for economic development, with China's economy developing rapidly over the past 40 years of reform and opening up. By further leveraging the advantages of the vast market, it is essential to implement the strategy to expand domestic demand, increase consumption, enhance economic resilience, and promote sustained and healthy economic development.

Implementing the strategy is a necessary response to profound changes in the international environment. The world is undergoing profound changes not seen in a century, with a significant adjustment in the balance of international power, widespread and profound impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing uncertainties in global economic growth, and threats to world peace and development from unilateralism, protectionism, and hegemonism. Faced with a complex and severe external environment, it is necessary to firmly implement the strategy to expand domestic demand to effectively cope with external risks and challenges.

Implementing the strategy is a key support to more efficiently promote economic circulation. The key to building a new development pattern lies in the smooth circulation of the economy. To facilitate a more efficient domestic circulation, it is crucial to implement the strategy to expand domestic demand, remove obstacles in economic circulation, solidify the domestic foundation, and achieve a more interconnected internal and external market, promoting higher-level domestic circulation.

(3) Opportunities and challenges

Entering a new development stage, China's domestic market foundation is more solid, and the environment for implementing the strategy to expand domestic demand has undergone profound changes. Looking ahead, the dominance of the domestic market in China's economic circulation will become more apparent. Consumption has become the main driving force for economic growth, and consumer optimization and upgrading, combined with modern technology and production methods, will continue to grow. China is in a rapid stage of new industrialization, informatization, urbanization, and agricultural modernization, with considerable investment space compared to developed countries. Additionally, the distinctive advantages of China's socialist system, improving macroeconomic governance, ongoing innovation, the construction of a unified national market, improving environmental conditions for commodity and factor circulation, and significantly enhancing the quality and configuration of production factors have created a broader space for the domestic market.

However, challenges still exist in expanding China's domestic demand. Factors such as labor, land, and the environment are restricting investment growth. Innovation capacity cannot fully meet the requirements of high-quality development, and it is challenging to satisfy individualized and diversified consumer demands effectively. Regional disparities in urban-rural development and income distribution are significant, and there are weaknesses in social security. Risks in finance and fiscal areas cannot be ignored, and there are many institutional and structural impediments to releasing domestic demand potential. International competition is becoming more intense, and the task of building China into an "attraction field" for international high-end factor resources is arduous.

In summary, the opportunities and challenges for expanding China's domestic demand have changed in new development circumstances, with opportunities outweighing challenges overall. It is essential to firmly implement the strategy to expand domestic demand, accurately grasp the development laws of the domestic market, be forward-looking, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, turn crises into opportunities, and open up new prospects in the face of changing situations. Continuous unlocking of domestic demand potential, fully leveraging the role of domestic demand, building a stronger domestic market, and promoting stable, healthy, and sustainable economic development in China.

2. General Requirements

(4) Guiding Ideology Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we adhere to the general principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability, stand at the new development stage, fully, accurately, and comprehensively implement the new development concept, construct a new development pattern, and focus on promoting high-quality development. With the deepening of supply-side structural reforms as the main thread, innovation as the fundamental driving force, and meeting the growing aspirations of the people for a better life as the fundamental goal, we adhere to a systematic perspective, better coordinate development and security, firmly grasp the strategic foundation of expanding domestic demand, accelerate the cultivation of a complete domestic demand system, strengthen demand-side management, promote the formation of a strong domestic market, and make efforts to facilitate the smooth operation of the domestic economic cycle, promoting a positive interaction between domestic and international cycles, driving steady, healthy, and sustainable development of the Chinese economy, and laying a solid foundation for comprehensively building a socialist modern country.

(5) Working Principles - Adhere to Party leadership and leverage institutional advantages. Fully leverage the core role of the Party in overall planning and coordinating all aspects, implement the Party's requirements for setting the direction, planning on a large scale, determining policies, and promoting reform, and ensure that the Party's leadership is implemented throughout the entire process of implementing the strategy of expanding domestic demand, making full use of the remarkable advantages of China's national system and governance system, providing fundamental guarantees for the implementation of the strategy of expanding domestic demand.

  • Adhere to the people-centered approach and enhance people's well-being. Insist on putting people at the center, take meeting the growing aspirations of the people for a better life as the starting point and foothold of expanding domestic demand, always ensure that development is for the people, relies on the people, and the achievements of development are shared by the people. Solidly promote common prosperity and continuously enhance the sense of gain, happiness, and security of the people.

  • Adhere to top-level design and serve overall strategic development. Insist on expanding domestic demand as the strategic foundation, use innovation to drive, lead high-quality supply, and create new demand, making the expansion of domestic demand an important support for building a new development pattern. Promote qualitative changes, efficiency improvement, and power transformation, achieve dynamic balance between supply and demand at a higher level.

  • Adhere to reform and opening up, enhance endogenous driving force. Unswervingly use reform measures to unleash and stimulate market potential effectively. Combine effective market and proactive government, fully play the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, better play the role of the government, remove institutional and systemic barriers that hinder the growth of domestic demand, continuously improve factor allocation and product circulation efficiency, and simultaneously implement a higher level of opening up, fully utilizing international high-end factor resources and continuously enhancing the vitality of the domestic market.

  • Adhere to a systematic perspective and strengthen synergies. Strengthen forward-looking thinking, overall planning, strategic layout, and overall promotion, accelerate the cultivation of a complete domestic demand system, coordinate major relationships such as supply and demand, consumption and investment, domestic demand and external demand, quantity and quality, domestic and international, speed and efficiency, efficiency and fairness, development and security. Make every effort and use every resource to achieve unified development of quality, structure, scale, speed, efficiency, and safety, making the expansion of domestic demand a sustainable historical process.

(6) Development Goals Looking ahead to 2035, the long-term goal of implementing the strategy of expanding domestic demand is to achieve the following vision: the scale of consumption and investment will reach new heights, a complete domestic demand system will be comprehensively established; basic realization of new industrialization, informatization, urbanization, and agricultural modernization; greater achievements in building a strong domestic market; significant breakthroughs in key core technologies; more efficient and smooth domestic economic cycle driven by innovation and domestic demand. People's lives will be better, per capita income in urban and rural areas will reach new highs, the middle-income group will significantly expand, basic public services will be equalized, regional development and per capita living standards will be significantly reduced. The gap is narrowing, and substantial progress is made in common prosperity for all. The support role of improving domestic demand development will be greatly enhanced, the high-standard market system will be more sound, and the modern circulation system will be fully established. China's participation in global economic cooperation and competition will continue to strengthen, and the international influence of the domestic market will significantly increase.

With the 2035 vision as the anchor, considering the development environment and conditions comprehensively, the main goals of implementing the strategy of expanding domestic demand during the 14th Five-Year Plan period are:

  • Promote consumption and investment, achieve new breakthroughs in the scale of domestic demand. The foundational role of consumption and the critical role of investment are further enhanced. Domestic demand continues to develop healthily, with a significant improvement in quality and efficiency. The advantages of the super-large market are fully utilized, and the domestic market becomes stronger, making significant progress in cultivating a complete domestic demand system.

  • Improve the distribution pattern, continuously release the potential of domestic demand. The distribution structure is significantly improved, the development gap between urban and rural areas and the gap in the living standards of residents are gradually narrowed, and per capita disposable income and economic growth basically synchronize. The equalization level of basic public services continues to improve, and a multi-level social security system becomes more sound, promoting the rapid development of social undertakings.

  • Enhance the quality of supply, better meet domestic demand. Significant progress is made in supply-side structural reforms, the foundation of agriculture is more solid, the proportion of manufacturing is basically stable, and the development of the real economy is further consolidated. The transformation and upgrading of traditional industries are accelerating, new industries and formats are developing rapidly, and the significant improvement of innovation capabilities, the high-level development of the industrial base, and the modernization of the industrial chain are evident, making the supply system more adaptable to domestic demand.

  • Improve the market system, stimulate domestic demand effectively. The high-standard market system with unified opening, orderly competition, complete system, and improved governance is basically established. The flow of goods and factors between urban and rural areas is more smooth, significant progress is made in the reform of the property rights system and the market-oriented allocation of factors, the business environment continues to improve, and the system of fair competition becomes more perfect, establishing a modern circulation system comprehensively.

  • Facilitate economic circulation, continuously improve the efficiency of domestic demand development. A new economic system with a higher level of openness is basically formed. China's economic cooperation with neighboring regions deepens further, and its role in driving the development of neighboring and global economies continues to increase.

(7) Key Tasks

Adhering to a problem-oriented approach and focusing on promoting high-quality development, addressing the main issues faced by China in the medium to long term in expanding domestic demand, especially the insufficient effective supply capacity, significant distribution gaps, low modernization level of the circulation system, inadequate health of the consumption system mechanism, and the ongoing need to optimize the investment structure, the key tasks for deploying and implementing the strategy of expanding domestic demand are outlined. Accelerate the cultivation of a complete domestic demand system. Combine the implementation of the strategy of expanding domestic demand with the organic deepening of supply-side structural reforms. Expand the domestic demand system along the entire chain of production, distribution, circulation, consumption, and investment reproduction. Cultivate a complete domestic demand system consisting of common elements such as improving supply quality, optimizing distribution patterns, strengthening the circulation system, comprehensively promoting consumption, and expanding investment space.

Promote the formation of a strong domestic market. Focus on tapping into the potential of domestic demand, especially by advancing new urbanization and coordinating regional development of urban and rural areas to unleash the potential of domestic demand, further expanding the scale of the domestic market. By optimizing market structures, improving market mechanisms, stimulating market vitality, and enhancing market resilience, further strengthen the domestic market, promoting stable development of the domestic market, and continuously increasing international influence.

Support a smooth domestic economic cycle. Further promote the organic connection and circular flow of various factors, forming a benign domestic economic cycle characterized by increased production and services, accumulation of social wealth, improvement of people's well-being, and enhanced national strength. With a robust domestic economic cycle as support, make efforts to advance high-level opening up, create an "attraction field" for international high-end factor resources, better connect the domestic and international markets, enhance the efficiency and level of the international cycle to improve domestic circulation, and achieve mutual promotion and progress in both domestic and international cycles.

3. Therd, Comprehensive Promotion of Consumption, Accelerating Quality Upgrade of Consumption.

Final consumption is the sustained driving force behind economic growth. In line with the trend of consumption upgrading, efforts should be made to enhance traditional consumption, cultivate new consumption patterns, expand service consumption, and appropriately increase public consumption, with a focus on meeting personalized, diverse, and high-quality consumption demands.

(8) Continuously Enhance Traditional Consumption

  • Improve the quality of basic consumption items such as food and clothing. Strengthen guidance, enhance supervision, and support innovation to increase the supply of high-quality basic consumption goods, promoting the convergence of domestic and international products in terms of standards and quality. Advocate for a healthy diet, increase the supply of healthy and nutritious agricultural products and food, and promote the healthy development of the catering industry. Persistently curb food wastage to unlock consumption potential.

  • Optimize urban traffic network layout and develop smart transportation to unleash the potential of travel consumption. Transform the automotive industry from purchase-oriented to usage-oriented. Advance the electrification, networking, and intelligence of automobiles, and enhance the construction of supporting facilities such as parking lots, charging stations, battery-swapping stations, and hydrogen stations. Facilitate the transaction of second-hand cars. Promote the healthy development of residential consumption, emphasizing the principle that "houses are for living, not for speculation."

  • Advance the construction of barrier-free facilities, stimulate family decoration consumption, increase the consumption of smart home appliances, and promote the development of digital households. Better meet the consumption demands of the middle and high-end segments. Promote the healthy and orderly development of duty-free businesses. Encourage domestic brands to align with international standards, meet domestic consumption demands, and increase the domestic supply of middle and high-end consumer goods. Cultivate and build international consumption hub cities and establish regional consumption centers. Thoroughly advance the construction of the Hainan International Tourism Consumption Center.

(9) Actively Develop Service Consumption

  • Expand cultural and tourism consumption. Improve the modern cultural industry system and cultural market system, develop high-quality cultural resources, and promote the creative transformation and innovative development of outstanding traditional Chinese culture. Encourage cultural institutions to develop various cultural and creative products based on their collections, expanding the supply of high-quality cultural products and services. Promote the development of leisure and recreational tourism, diversify tourism products and services, and accelerate the development of tourism formats such as islands, cruises, low-altitude, and deserts. Unleash the potential of general aviation consumption.

  • Increase elderly care and childcare service consumption to adapt to the aging population. Promote the coordinated development of elderly care services and industries, improve the home-based community coordination, and integrate medical care with elderly care. Develop the silver-haired economy, promote the adaptation of public facilities for the elderly, and develop aging-related technologies and products. Align reproductive policies with economic and social policies, alleviate the burdens of family reproduction, parenting, and education, improve the full-service process of reproduction, and unleash the potential of reproductive policies.

  • Increase inclusive childcare supply and develop community-based childcare services. Provide multi-level healthcare services, comprehensively promote the construction of a healthy China, deepen the reform of the medical and health care system, improve the public health system, and promote the high-quality development of public hospitals. Support social forces in providing multi-level and diversified medical services, encourage the development of general medical services, and increase effective supply in specialized medical service areas. Actively develop traditional Chinese medicine services and focus on increasing high-quality services related to traditional Chinese medicine, health preservation, rehabilitation, and health tourism. Actively develop personalized medical services, strengthen occupational health protection, improve routine epidemic prevention and control measures, optimize the types of vaccines included in the national immunization program in a timely manner, and gradually include safe, effective, and financially affordable vaccines in the national immunization program.

  • Improve the quality of education services. Enhance the national education system and promote educational equity. Improve inclusive preschool education and the guarantee mechanism for special and vocational education. Promote the balanced development of high-quality compulsory education and urban-rural integration. Consolidate and enhance the popularization of secondary and higher education. Focus on building world-class universities and research institutions, strengthen the construction of science and education infrastructure and industry-education integration platforms. Improve the vocational and technical education and training system, enhance the adaptability of vocational and technical education. Encourage social forces to provide diversified education services, support and regulate private education development, comprehensively regulate extracurricular education and training behaviors, steadily promote the reform of classified management of private education, and carry out high-level Sino-foreign cooperative education.

  • Promote mass sports consumption. Thoroughly implement the national fitness strategy, build a national trail system, and promote the construction of sports parks. Use professional sports such as football and basketball as focal points to enhance the quality and consumer perception of sports events, promote the expansion and upgrade of the competition and performance industry, and develop new formats such as online fitness and online events. Promote the "southward expansion, westward expansion" of ice and snow sports, driving the masses to "enjoy ice and love snow."

  • Promote the quality and capacity expansion of housekeeping services. Facilitate the professional, large-scale, networked, and standardized development of the housekeeping service industry, improve the housekeeping service standard system, and develop employee-based housekeeping enterprises. Deepen the "leader" action to enhance the quality and capacity expansion of housekeeping services. Improve the quality of housekeeping services and training, promote the socialization of occupational skill level recognition for housekeeping personnel, and strengthen occupational risk protection for housekeeping practitioners. Promote housekeeping services in communities and build a 24-hour full-life service system. Encourage the development of high-end housekeeping services such as family butlers.

  • Enhance the level of community public services. Build a community service system that combines public services, convenient services, and voluntary mutual assistance services, enhance community service functions, guide social forces to participate in community service supply, continuously improve the quality of community services, and enhance the intelligence of community services. Support the integration and innovation of formats such as housekeeping, elderly care, childcare, and property management. Improve community epidemic prevention and control capabilities.

(10) Accelerate the Cultivation of New Consumption

  • Support the integrated development of online and offline commodity consumption. Accelerate the digital transformation and upgrading of traditional offline formats. Enrich 5G network and gigabit broadband application scenarios. Speed up the research and development of intelligent products, support applications such as autonomous driving and unmanned delivery. Develop smart supermarkets, smart stores, smart restaurants, and other new retail formats. Establish a sound technology and service standard system in new consumption areas, regulate platform economic development in accordance with the law, and enhance the regulatory capacity of new business models.

  • Cultivate a new model of "Internet + social services." Strengthen and optimize online learning services, promote the collaborative construction and sharing of various digital education resources. Actively develop "Internet + medical and health" services, improve the charging policies for online medical services, and gradually include eligible Internet medical service projects in the scope of medical insurance payment according to procedures. Deepen the development of online entertainment, encourage the online transformation of traditional offline cultural and entertainment formats, support the creation of digital premium content, and establish emerging digital resource dissemination platforms. Encourage the development of smart tourism, smart broadcasting and television, and intelligent sports. Support the development of convenient online office and contactless transaction services.

  • Promote the development of new consumption formats such as the sharing economy. Expand new shared living spaces, encourage the intelligent upgrade and business model innovation of products in areas such as shared travel, shared accommodation, and shared tourism. Improve relevant standards for shared products with public service attributes. Create new momentum for shared production, encourage enterprises to open platform resources, fully tap into the potential of idle resources, and encourage manufacturing companies to explore the business models and applicable scenarios of shared manufacturing. Align with technological advancements in networks and information, support and guide the healthy development of new lifestyles and consumption patterns. Develop the new individual economy. Support diverse business models such as social e-commerce, online streaming, and encourage the development of innovative platforms based on knowledge dissemination and experience sharing. Support the standardized and orderly development of various online social platforms, encourage the innovation of micro-applications, micro-products, micro-movies, etc.

(11) Advocate for Green and Low-Carbon Consumption

  • Actively develop the market for green and low-carbon consumption. Improve the production and promotion mechanisms for green and low-carbon products. Promote the green renewal and quality upgrade of durable consumer goods. Promote energy-efficient and low-carbon buildings. Improve green procurement systems and enhance government purchasing power for low-carbon products. Establish a sound system for green product standards, labeling, certification, and the realization of ecological product values. Accelerate the construction of a recycling system for waste materials, regulate the development of industries such as automotive, power batteries, household appliances, and electronic product recycling and reuse.

  • Advocate for a frugal and intensive green lifestyle. Deeply engage in the creation of a green lifestyle. Promote the construction of green communities. Plan and build urban and rural infrastructure according to the principles of a green, low-carbon circular economy. Encourage green and low-carbon travel, develop urban public transportation, and improve urban slow transportation systems. Enhance urban ecological and ventilation corridors, elevate urban greening levels. Thoroughly implement national water conservation initiatives. Continue to address excessive packaging, advocate for rational consumer behavior, and promote the formation of a societal atmosphere where "frugality is honorable, and waste is shameful."

 5. Optimize Investment Structure, Expand Investment Space


Be adept at grasping investment directions, eliminating investment obstacles, focusing on key areas and weak links, making efforts to increase investment in manufacturing, increasing efforts to fill gaps in key areas, systematically planning new infrastructure, striving to improve investment efficiency, promoting reasonable growth in investment scale, continuous optimization of structure, and enhancing post-growth momentum.

(12): Increase support for manufacturing investment

Focus on promoting the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry, building a manufacturing powerhouse, and guiding various high-quality resource elements to converge in the manufacturing industry. Increase investment in the optimization and upgrading of traditional manufacturing industries, expand investment in advanced manufacturing fields, and improve the quality and efficiency of the manufacturing supply system. Increase investment in the technological transformation of the manufacturing industry, support enterprises in applying innovative technologies and implementing technological upgrades for products. Improve the policy system that promotes the development of the manufacturing industry, reduce the production and operation costs of enterprises, enhance the profitability of the manufacturing industry. Strengthen the guarantee of factors such as land and energy for manufacturing investment. Innovate and improve the equity, bond financing tools for manufacturing enterprises.


(13) Continuously promote targeted investment in key areas to address weaknesses

Accelerate the construction of transportation infrastructure. Improve the national comprehensive transportation network, with railways as the main trunk, roads as the foundation, and fully leverage the advantages of water and air transportation. Promote the construction of the "6 axes, 7 corridors, and 8 channels" main framework, enhance transportation links between regions, urban clusters, and provinces. Strengthen the construction of strategic trunk routes in the central and western regions, along the Yangtze River and coastal areas. Systematically advance the upgrading and expansion of capacity-constrained channels, and enhance connectivity with neighboring countries. Accelerate the construction of the national railway network, complete the "Eight Verticals and Eight Horizontals" high-speed railway main channels, systematically advance the construction of regional connecting lines, accelerate the construction of conventional railways, and upgrade existing railways. Support the early completion of intercity railway networks in key urban clusters, promote the development of key metropolitan (suburban) railways and urban rail transit, and integrate with mainline railways. Improve the mainline road network, enhance the quality of the national expressway network, accelerate the construction of inter-provincial expressways, and promote the smooth upgrade of bottleneck sections of ordinary national and provincial roads. Continue to advance the construction of "Four Good Rural Roads." Strengthen the construction of the aviation network, accelerate the construction of international and regional hub airports, actively promote the construction of feeder airports and general aviation airports, and promote the development of world-class airport clusters in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and the Chengdu-Chongqing area. Enhance the comprehensive advantages of water transport, promote the construction of world-class port clusters in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, support the construction of international shipping centers, and accelerate the construction of high-grade river channels such as the Yangtze River. Build a multi-level, integrated comprehensive transportation hub system.

Strengthen the construction of energy infrastructure. Improve the safety and intelligence of the power grid, optimize the layout of power generation and transmission channels, improve the layout and structure of the main power grid, orderly construct key projects for cross-provincial and cross-regional power transmission channels, actively promote the transformation of distribution networks and rural power grids, and enhance the power transmission and distribution capacity to remote areas. Optimize the structure of coal production and transportation, promote the intelligent and green development of coal mines, optimize the construction of five major coal supply guarantee bases in Inner Mongolia, East Inner Mongolia, Northern Shaanxi, Shanxi, and Xinjiang, and improve the transportation capacity of coal by rail. Accelerate the construction of national trunk oil and gas pipelines, intensively plan and systematically advance the planning and construction of liquefied natural gas receiving stations, and plan and construct car and ship liquefied natural gas filling stations. Substantially increase the utilization of clean energy, build clean energy bases with multiple complementary capabilities, and expedite the construction of large-scale wind power and photovoltaic bases, with a focus on deserts, barren areas, and desert areas. Coordinate the ultra-low emission and energy-saving transformation of existing coal-fired units, enhance the clean and efficient development level of coal-fired power, and promote the construction of a new power system to enhance the consumption and storage capacity of clean energy.

Accelerate the construction of water conservancy infrastructure. Expedite the construction of a comprehensive water network that integrates flood control and disaster reduction, water resource allocation, and water ecology protection. Promote the construction of comprehensive water control hubs and regulating projects, ensure the overall and balanced allocation of basin water resources and spatial configuration, expedite the construction of inter-basin and inter-regional water resource allocation projects, implement water diversion projects that play a significant role in regional development, and enhance the capacity for optimal water resource allocation. Strengthen the construction of water-saving infrastructure. Enhance the capability to defend against water and drought disasters, accelerate the remediation of flood control weaknesses in major rivers, promote the reinforcement of embankments, river channel management, control projects, and flood storage areas, and strengthen the governance of small and medium-sized rivers, mountain floods, and dangerous reservoirs. Promote the construction of water supply, irrigation, and water supply projects, and strengthen joint scheduling between water supply regions. In areas with conditions, integrate villages around towns into urban water supply systems. Strengthen the construction of small and medium-sized rural water source projects and the protection of drinking water sources, promote the construction and modernization of large and medium-sized irrigation areas. In water-scarce coastal cities, promote the construction of large-scale seawater desalination facilities.

**Improve logistics infrastructure networks. Coordinate the layout and construction of national logistics hubs, national trunk cold chain logistics bases, and demonstration logistics parks, optimize the national-level trunk logistics infrastructure network, improve cross-regional logistics service capabilities, and support the construction of a modern logistics operation system with "channels + hubs + networks." Optimize the network of commercial logistics facilities supported by comprehensive logistics parks, professional distribution centers, and terminal distribution points. Accelerate the construction of storage, preservation, and cold chain logistics facilities in agricultural product production areas, improve the coverage of urban and rural cold chain facilities, and promote the full coverage of cold chains for food production and supply. Substantially strengthen the construction of ecological and environmental protection facilities. Comprehensive enhancement of ecological environmental infrastructure, construction of an environmental infrastructure system that integrates


(14) Systematically Plan New Types of Infrastructure

Accelerate the construction of information infrastructure. Build a high-speed, ubiquitous, integrated, and secure information infrastructure that enhances data perception, transmission, storage, and processing capabilities. Speed up the construction of the Internet of Things (IoT), industrial internet, satellite internet, and gigabit optical networks. Establish a national integrated big data center system, strategically locate and construct national hubs for big data centers, promote extensive and in-depth applications of artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and facilitate the mutual integration and intelligent configuration of "cloud, network, and end" resource elements. Aligning with demand, enhance the national wide-area quantum secure communication backbone network service capabilities.

Comprehensively develop integrated infrastructure. Promote the deep integration of technologies such as 5G, artificial intelligence, big data, with sectors including transportation and logistics, energy, environmental protection, water conservancy, emergency response, and public services, contributing to the enhancement of governance capabilities in relevant industries. Support the transformation and upgrade of cable television networks using 5G technology. Actively and prudently develop the Internet of Vehicles (IoV).

Proactively plan innovative infrastructure. Support the construction of regional innovation hubs in eligible areas and reasonably plan and construct significant science and technology infrastructure in advance. Optimize and upgrade national industry innovation centers, national manufacturing innovation centers, national engineering research centers, national technology innovation centers, and strengthen the supply of generic basic technologies.


5. Promote Coordinated Development Between Urban and Rural Areas and Unleash Domestic Demand Potential.


Urbanization is a crucial pillar for expanding domestic demand, connecting the strategies of expanding domestic demand and new urbanization in an orderly manner, making it a significant driving force for economic development. Promoting coordinated development between urban and rural areas is a key measure to unleash the potential of domestic demand and promote industrial upgrading. It involves adhering to a comprehensive national strategy, implementing the rural revitalization strategy, and ensuring the overall and coordinated development to fully unleash the latent potential of domestic demand.

(14) Promoting People-Centered New Urbanization

  1. Promoting the urbanization of agricultural transfer population: Deepening the reform of the household registration system, establishing and improving the system that provides basic public services in the place of regular residence, facilitating the comprehensive integration of the agricultural transfer population into urban areas, and improving the quality of urbanization. Enhancing the linkage between fiscal transfer payments and the urbanization of the agricultural transfer population. Legally protecting the rights of rural migrants to land contracting, homestead use, and collective income distribution in cities, establishing a market system for the transfer of rural property rights, and improving the market-oriented exit mechanism and supporting policies for rural households' "three rights". Cultivating urban clusters and metropolitan areas. Promoting the construction of urban clusters such as the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle, improving the institutional mechanisms for the integrated development of urban clusters, coordinating the layout of infrastructure, collaborative division of industries, sharing of public services, and joint environmental governance. Relying on central cities with strong radiation and driving capabilities to enhance the coordinated development of commuting circles and foster highly modern metropolitan areas. Promoting the streamlined and healthy development of super-large and mega cities, strictly controlling the unchecked expansion of central city scale. Improving the livability and suitability for business functions of large and medium-sized cities, supporting the cultivation of new and small cities. Improving the urban-rural system, strengthening urban ecological restoration and functional improvement in accordance with laws and regulations, and reasonably determining the scale, population density, and spatial structure of cities.

  2. Promoting urbanization construction with county towns as important carriers: Advancing the upgrading and capacity expansion of county town facilities, including public services, environmental sanitation, municipal utilities, and industrial supporting facilities, enhancing comprehensive carrying capacity and governance capabilities. Encouraging the accelerated development of county towns in urbanization areas in the eastern regions, supporting the construction of county towns in central and western regions, and reasonably guiding the construction of county towns in major agricultural production areas and key ecological functional areas. Guiding the development of small towns based on location conditions, resource endowments, and development foundations. Promoting the normative and healthy development of characteristic small towns.

  3. Advancing urban facility planning and construction and urban renewal: Strengthening the systematic construction of municipal water, electricity, gas, roads, heating, and communication systems, promoting the construction of facilities such as underground comprehensive pipe corridors and sponge cities, enhancing flood control in urban areas, strengthening the construction of urban sewage and garbage collection and treatment systems, and building livable, innovative, intelligent, green, humane, and resilient cities. Strengthening the transformation of old urban neighborhoods and community construction, addressing the shortcomings in residential community facilities, and improving the community living environment. Accelerating the seismic retrofitting of housing facilities in earthquake-prone areas, and strengthening urban safety monitoring. Enhancing the protection of historical and cultural heritage, shaping the urban landscape, and continuing the historical context of the city.


(16) Actively Promoting Rural Modernization

Implementing rural construction actions. Taking into account the evolution laws, gathering characteristics, current distribution, and the production and living radius of rural residents, a reasonable layout and scale of villages should be determined. Improving rural infrastructure and comprehensive service facilities, enhancing the quality of rural houses, and strictly adhering to safety standards in construction. Strengthening the construction of rural ecological civilization and the improvement of rural living environments. Promoting the migration and transformation of rural customs. Increasing efforts to protect cultural heritage in rural areas, preserving traditional villages, ethnic villages, and the rural landscape to allow residents to enjoy the mountains, see the water, and remember the nostalgia.

Improving the rural market system. Establishing a sound agricultural product distribution network, strengthening the construction of rural commercial systems, and facilitating the two-way flow of industrial products to rural areas and agricultural products to urban areas. Perfecting a three-level logistics node facility system with county-level logistics nodes as the core, township service stations as the framework, and village-level end points as extensions. Improving supporting services for rural e-commerce. Cultivating online brands for agricultural products. Promoting the upgrading of rural residents' consumption in automobiles, home appliances, furniture, and home decoration. Guiding counties to introduce new urban consumption formats and models, fully meeting the personalized, diversified, and high-end consumption needs of rural residents. Continuously cracking down on counterfeit and substandard products and regulating the order of the rural market.

Diversifying rural economic forms. Implementing the strategy of quality-driven agricultural development, promoting the integrated development of the first, second, and third industries in rural areas, and achieving high-quality development of modern agricultural processing to extend the agricultural industry chain. Developing distinctive modern rural industries such as leisure agriculture, rural tourism, homestay economy, and rural culture. Improving the mechanism of interest connection to ensure that rural residents share more in the added value of industries. Developing new forms of rural collective economy, supporting various types of new agricultural business entities, and improving the operating efficiency of agriculture and the attractiveness of rural occupations. Promoting the revitalization of rural talents, optimizing the rural innovation and entrepreneurship environment, and stimulating the vitality of rural innovation and entrepreneurship.

Improving the institutional mechanisms for integrated urban-rural development. Strengthening the integration of industry with agriculture, promoting a new relationship between industry, agriculture, and urban and rural areas that is mutually supportive, complementary, coordinated, and jointly prosperous. Coordinating urban and rural planning and construction management to allow both urban and rural areas to shine in their own ways and achieve shared beauty. Promoting the integration and coordinated development of urban and rural areas in factors allocation, industrial development, safety standards, public services, and ecological protection. Facilitating equal exchange of production factors, two-way free flow, and rational allocation of public resources between urban and rural areas. Gradually narrowing the development gap and living standard gap between urban and rural areas.


(17)Optimizing Regional Economic Layout

Relying on the strategy of significant regional development to create new growth poles for domestic demand. Using the shift of non-capital functions from Beijing as an opportunity, continuously promoting the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Adhering to the principles of ecological priority, green development, comprehensive protection, and avoiding large-scale development, comprehensively promoting the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Supporting Hong Kong and Macao to better integrate into the national development plan and actively and steadily promoting the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Focusing on "integration" and "high quality," improving the level of integrated development in the Yangtze River Delta. Coordinating the protection of the upper, middle, and lower reaches, solidly advancing ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River basin. Supporting economically advantaged regions to enhance their economic and population carrying capacity, improving innovation sources, and global resource allocation capabilities. Promoting inter-regional integration, interaction, and complementary development, cultivating new growth poles, and driving the overall improvement of national economic efficiency.

Promoting coordinated regional development to improve the spatial pattern of domestic demand growth. Within the framework of the unified national market, fully leveraging the comparative advantages of each region, striving to achieve differentiated competition and differentiated development, and unlocking the huge potential for coordinated regional development. Deepening the Western Development, comprehensive revitalization of the Northeast, the rise of the central region, and the leading development of the eastern region. Supporting underdeveloped areas, areas with ethnic minority populations, and other special types of areas to accelerate development and increasing support for poverty-stricken areas. Promoting effective connection between consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, improving mechanisms to assist low-income populations in rural areas and underdeveloped regions. Improving mechanisms for inter-regional interest compensation and other mechanisms to promote coordinated regional development. Actively expanding the development space of the marine economy.

6. improve the quality of supply to better stimulate demand.


Supply-side effective facilitation can open up circular bottlenecks, eliminate constraints, meet existing demands, and further lead to the creation of new demands. It is necessary to face changes in demand structure and supply characteristics, adapt to the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation trends, strengthen technological independence and self-reliance, and drive innovation to lead and create new demands, promoting a higher-level virtuous cycle between supply and demand.

(18) Accelerate the development of new industries and new products.

Achieve a high level of technological independence and self-reliance. Orient the national innovation system toward national strategic needs, optimize the overall layout, and strengthen strategic scientific and technological capabilities led by national laboratories. Promote the optimization of research capabilities among research institutions, universities, and corporate research entities, and establish a new nationwide system to determine the direction and priorities of technological innovation, improving the management of research projects. Implement forward-looking and strategic national major scientific and technological projects in frontier areas such as artificial intelligence, quantum information, and neuroscience. Focus on core basic components and devices, key basic materials, critical foundational software, advanced basic processes, and the technological foundations of industrial technology, guiding collaborative research along the industrial chain. Sustainably strengthen basic research, leverage the role of key institutions and universities, and strategically position key basic research centers. Strengthen the effective connection between scientific research and market applications, support industry-university-research collaboration, and promote the coordinated development of industrial, innovation, and ecological chains. Strengthen the role of enterprises as the main actors in technological innovation.

Strengthen strategic emerging industries. Deepen the development of national strategic emerging industry clusters and build national-level bases for strategic emerging industries. Enhance the core competitiveness of the information technology industry comprehensively, promoting technological innovation and application in artificial intelligence, advanced communications, integrated circuits, new displays, advanced computing, and more. Accelerate the industrialization of biomedicine, bio-agriculture, bio-manufacturing, gene technology application services, and other industrial developments. Develop and expand the new energy industry. Promote the research and application of cutting-edge new materials. Facilitate the application and industrialization of major equipment projects, accelerate the research and development of large aircraft, aviation engines, onboard equipment, and advance satellite and basic infrastructure construction. Develop the digital creative industry. In frontier areas of science and industrial transformation, implement future industry incubation and acceleration plans and plan for future industries. Promote the development of advanced manufacturing clusters, build national demonstration bases for new industrialization, and foster world-class advanced manufacturing clusters.

Enhance the application of innovative products. Relying on China's vast market and comprehensive industrial system, create unique advantages conducive to the rapid and large-scale application and iterative upgrading of new technologies. Accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into real production capacity. Improve incentive and risk compensation mechanisms, promote the demonstration application of first sets of equipment, first batches of materials, etc. Establish a fast-track review and approval mechanism for important products.

Accelerate the digitization of industries and industrial digitalization. Strengthen the construction of a digital society and digital government, develop inclusive "cloud computing, big data, and smart applications," and continuously improve the level of digital governance. Establish and improve cross-departmental and cross-regional mechanisms for the circulation and application of data resources, enhance data security capabilities, and optimize the environment for the circulation of data elements. Accelerate the development and utilization of data resources and the construction of institutional norms, create internationally competitive digital industry clusters, and enhance the digital empowerment of small and medium-sized enterprises, especially those in the manufacturing industry. Actively participate in the formulation of international rules and standards in the digital field.

Inspire the innovative vitality of talent. Follow the laws of talent growth and scientific research activities, cultivate more internationally leading talents. Strengthen the cultivation of innovative, applied, and skilled talents, strengthen the ranks of high-level engineers and highly skilled talents. Encourage large enterprises to collaborate with research institutions in talent cultivation. Improve the talent evaluation system oriented towards innovation capabilities, quality, effectiveness, and contributions, and perfect the evaluation system for skilled talents. Promote the spirit of science and craftsmanship, and enhance the scientific literacy of the entire population.


(19) Actively promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries

Vigorously develop modern agriculture. Continuously strengthen the foundation of agriculture, accelerate the establishment of a modern agricultural industry system, production system, and management system, and promote the development of specialized and socialized agricultural services. Improve the system of supporting and protecting agriculture, optimize the regional layout of agricultural production, strengthen the construction of grain and food production functional zones, important agricultural product production protection zones, and areas with special advantages in agricultural products. Optimize the structure of agricultural production, expand the production of scarce agricultural products. Strengthen the construction of high-standard farmland, protect black soil in the northeast, and restore land fertility to enhance comprehensive grain and food production capacity. Promote the transformation and upgrading of the livestock industry, develop standardized and large-scale breeding, strengthen the prevention and control of animal diseases and risks, and promote the resource utilization of waste from livestock and poultry farming. Promote green and healthy aquaculture, regulate and promote the orderly development of marine fisheries. Strengthen support for agricultural science and technology and equipment, promote agricultural mechanization and the intelligence of agricultural machinery and equipment. Promote the development of smart agriculture.

Promote the high-end, intelligent, and green transformation of manufacturing. Thoroughly implement the strategy of innovative development of the Industrial Internet. Promote the convergence of production factors such as data, talent, and technology in traditional industries, and encourage enterprises to accelerate digital transformation. Develop intelligent and green manufacturing, promote the transformation of production methods towards flexibility, intelligence, and precision. Build a multi-level resource-efficient recycling system, promote the comprehensive utilization of bulk solid waste, and regulate the development of the remanufacturing industry.

Optimize the regional industrial capacity layout. Leverage the comparative advantages of different regions and optimize the regional division of labor and cooperation. Optimize the planning and layout of important basic industries such as petrochemicals and steel, strictly control the construction of high-energy-consuming and high-emission projects. Continuously improve the guidance catalog for industrial structure adjustment and the encouragement catalog for industries in western regions, supporting and guiding the central and western regions and the northeastern region to undertake the domestic industrial gradient transfer based on their resource and environmental carrying capacity. Promote the restructuring of manufacturing competitiveness in old industrial bases. Strengthen the unified planning and macro guidance for the layout of major production capacities to prevent blind investment and redundant construction.

Continuously promote the extension of productive services to the high end. Develop service-oriented manufacturing, encourage manufacturing enterprises to develop productive service industries, expand value-added services such as research and development design, supply chain collaboration, system solutions, flexible customization, and full lifecycle management. Promote the transformation of manufacturing enterprises from providing "products" to providing "products + services," enhancing the value chain. Promote the integrated development of modern services with advanced manufacturing. Actively develop technology services. Support the development of new specialized service institutions in areas such as smart manufacturing and process reengineering. Develop production service outsourcing in areas such as research and development, design, and testing, encourage service industry enterprises such as e-commerce to expand into the manufacturing sector. Guide collaborative partnerships between research and development design enterprises and manufacturing enterprises. Cultivate specialized and international knowledge property service brand institutions. Focus on improving factor allocation efficiency, promote the innovative development of services in supply chain finan

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