China's Second Largest
Canned Food Exporter
Zhangzhou Tan Co., Ltd. is a professional international supplier of canned food and a leading exporter of canned food in China.
TAN, let "healthy food" serve the society and let "Made in China" ring the world.
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China's Second Largest
Canned Food Exporter
Zhangzhou Tan Co., Ltd. is a professional international supplier of canned food and a leading exporter of canned food in China.
TAN, let "healthy food" serve the society and let "Made in China" ring the world.
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Zhangzhou Tan Co., Ltd. is a professional international supplier of canned food and a leading exporter of canned food in China.
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Zhangzhou Tan Co., Ltd. is a professional international supplier of canned food and a leading exporter of canned food in China.
TAN, let "healthy food" serve the society and let "Made in China" ring the world.
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Zhangzhou Tan Co., Ltd. is a professional international supplier of canned food and a leading exporter of canned food in China.
TAN, let "healthy food" serve the society and let "Made in China" ring the world.
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Chinese Canned Industry's Vital Role Amid Pandemic: Balancing, Exchanging, Turning Waste into Treasure

In the post-pandemic era, the topic of 'healing' the novel coronavirus with canned peaches has been constantly emerging in major media outlets. Reporters interviewed Mr. Liu Youqian, the Director of the China Canned Food Industry Association, and Mr. Chen Junxing, the Vice Director, to clarify the relevant matters and introduce the development situation of the Chinese canned food industry.
2023-09-20 TAN canned food Views:1377
调节余缺、互通有⽆、变废为宝 中国罐头⾏业在抗疫⼤考中彰显担当-01.jpg

In the post-pandemic era, the topic of 'healing' the novel coronavirus with canned peaches has been constantly emerging in major media outlets. Reporters interviewed Mr. Liu Youqian, the Director of the China Canned Food Industry Association, and Mr. Chen Junxing, the Vice Director, to clarify the relevant matters and introduce the development situation of the Chinese canned food industry.

The 'peach' through the epidemic is a spiritual consolation, and the social significance carried by canned food becomes even more precious

Regarding the trend of "peaches overcoming the epidemic" trending on social media, Mr. Liu Youqian frankly stated that whether it's peach canned food or any other canned product worldwide, there is no medicinal effect for "curing" the virus. In the current epidemic situation, this kind of good-natured banter is more of a spiritual consolation and emotional therapy. It is a nostalgic and respectful homage to the joy and comfort that canned food once brought to life. From another perspective, the social benefits carried by the Chinese canned food industry have become even more precious during the three years of the pandemic, requiring enhanced public awareness and societal promotion.

"Supporting Agriculture, Reducing Losses" – the Chinese canned food industry lends support to agriculture, mitigating losses and increasing income.

Amid the sudden outbreak and control measures during the pandemic, transportation issues and market closures in various areas hindered the long-distance transport of mature vegetables and fruits. Faced with the risk of spoilage in the fields, farmers were both distressed and helpless. At this critical juncture, numerous canned food companies overcame challenges, opened their facilities, and, without considering costs, locally collected raw materials to assist farmers in resolving the majority of their agricultural product distribution problems. Data indicates that at the beginning of the 2020 pandemic, the price of mushrooms in Fujian increased from 1 yuan per pound to 3 yuan per pound. Similarly, in the summer of 2021, peaches in Anhui rose from 0.3 yuan per pound to 0.7 yuan per pound, and in November 2022, yams in Guangdong increased from 0.3 yuan per pound to 0.7 yuan per pound. In this regard, the robust support from the Chinese canned food industry played a crucial role. It can be said that over the three years of the pandemic, the Chinese canned food industry has made outstanding contributions to poverty alleviation and rural revitalization in China.

Ensure production, promote employment - Numerous canned food companies lend support to strengthen the foundation of livelihoods.

Employment is the most vital livelihood. Mr. Liu Youqian stated that amid the nationwide efforts to "boost the economy and ensure stable growth," Chinese canned food companies have also taken on significant responsibilities. They simultaneously focus on epidemic prevention and production, injecting a powerful remedy to stabilize the overall economic situation. According to incomplete statistics, during the three years of the pandemic, the national canned food industry has cumulatively produced over 27 million tons of canned goods, with a value of over 350 billion yuan. This has maintained stability in the canned food industry's supply chain and provided millions of employment opportunities, preventing workforce disruptions that could have added pressure to epidemic prevention and control efforts, thus safeguarding and improving livelihoods.

 Ensuring price stability and maintaining order, the canned food industry provides support to stabilize the overall market.

Price stability directly affects the public's sense of well-being and "happiness index." The three-year pandemic has severely impacted the primary sector, causing seasonal disruptions in planting and harvesting crops. This has led to insufficient supply of essentials like vegetables and meat, resulting in fluctuating prices that significantly disrupt normal urban operations and the lives of the public. Many canned food products have timely adapted to the market, and their reasonable prices have played a positive role in stabilizing price fluctuations, providing robust support for ensuring livelihoods and stabilizing the market.

Ensuring emergency supplies, providing peace of mind – Canned products take the spotlight in the stockpiling frenzy

During the pandemic, due to the unavoidable situation of urban and rural lockdowns to ensure "life first," some residents were unable to access daily necessities in a timely manner. Mr. Liu Youqian expressed that the uncertainty of the pandemic and the inconvenience of home life caused people to feel anxious. Convenient food items, represented by canned products, played a role in emergency supply. Their characteristics of ambient temperature storage, convenience, safety, and nutritional richness greatly satisfied the daily lives of ordinary people, providing emotional value and healing energy. Canned products became a regular presence in the scenario of home stockpiling.

Ensure Foreign Trade, Showcase National Prestige – Canned Goods Export Enterprises Make Full Efforts to Create a New Masterpiece of "Chinese Quality"

China, as the world's largest producer and trader of canned goods, holds a crucial position in the international market for canned products. Mr. Chen Junxing, Vice Chairman of the China Canned Food Industry Association, who has been deeply involved in international canned trade for nearly three decades in Zhangzhou, Fujian, the hub of China's canned industry, shared insights. According to him, during the three years of the pandemic, the Chinese canned industry has supplied nearly 9 million tons of canned goods to various countries and regions worldwide. This substantial contribution not only played a vital role in supporting the stable development of China's foreign trade but also provided affordable and essential commodities to people globally during a period of widespread price increases. This effort has contributed positively to China's "affinity" image on the global stage.

The societal function of canned goods, including "balancing surpluses and shortages, facilitating mutual exchange, and turning waste into treasure," deserves social recognition.

When the reporter inquired about whether canned goods contain "preservatives," Chen Junxing humorously responded, "Canned goods originated more than 200 years ago in the Napoleonic era, at a time when preservatives were not well-known. The misunderstanding can be attributed to the simplicity of the canning process." In reality, the sealing and sterilization processes create an anaerobic environment in the can, unsuitable for microbial growth. This makes it unnecessary to add preservatives for long-term storage, while also preserving the nutritional content of the food to the maximum extent. The societal function of canned goods, including "balancing surpluses and shortages, facilitating mutual exchange, and turning waste into treasure," is deserving of social recognition.

Although China is a major producer of canned goods, it is not a major consumer. Fortunately, as the canned goods industry is being "awakened," the domestic canned goods market holds significant business opportunities. The "Five Guarantees Household" canned goods in the domestic market are essentially the forerunners of the current trending "pre-packaged vegetables." The canned goods industry, bearing tremendous social benefits, looks forward to gaining more positive awareness among the Chinese people and the active involvement of knowledgeable individuals.

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